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I am a general practitioner, acupuncturist, and coordinator of the Medical Acupuncture Capacity at Sorbonne Paris North University.

My interest in sociology arose from a desire to question and evolve the methods of studying the sensory world of patients. My interactions with Francis Chateauraynaud within the GSPR have led us to rethink the medical relationship as an investigative process and to attempt to describe the processes of care in the 21st century with a pragmatic perspective.

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Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
UMR CNRS 8211 - Unité Inserm 988 - EHESS - Université Paris Cité
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94801 Villejuif Cedex

Université Paris Cité

Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés

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75270 Paris Cedex 06

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