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Pombet Thibaud


Contact: thibaud.pombet(at)




My research in sociology and education sciences focuses on support for young people at the interface between health, social and educational services. After writing a dissertation on the role of youth workers in hospitals (under the supervision of Richard Rechtman), I wrote a thesis at EHESS on personalised, multidisciplinary care for adolescents and young adults with cancer (under the supervision of Philippe Bataille, EHESS doctoral contract funded by the Institut National du Cancer). My post-doctoral research then led me to enter the field of popular education by analysing the professionalisation of youth workers in MJCs faced with issues of secularism and diversity (research funded by INJEP and conducted at LIRTES with sociologists Séverine Chauvel, Lila Belkacem and Francine Nyambek). Since January 2020, I have been a post-doctoral researcher at Cermes3 as part of the PARPSYCHED research project on partnerships between the national education system and local child psychiatry (funded by the French Ministry of Health, with sociologists Aude Béliard, Livia Velpry, Isabelle Maillard and Jean-Sébastien Eideliman). My main publications and scientific papers cover all these areas of research.

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Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
UMR CNRS 8211 - Unité Inserm 988 - EHESS - Université Paris Cité
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94801 Villejuif Cedex

Université Paris Cité

Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés

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45, rue des Saints-Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06

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