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Vassy Carine

Lecturer in sociology, Université Sorbonne Paris nord (Paris 13)

Contact: carine.vassy(at)

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I am a lecturer in sociology at the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord (Paris 13) and a member of the Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux Sociaux (IRIS).

My doctoral thesis focused on teamwork in hospitals in England, Germany and France, and showed the contributions and limitations of strategic analysis of organisations. 

Continuing my research on hospital work, I analysed the access to the Emergency Department of deprived people, with Didier Fassin, and the care of patients at the end of life. More recently, I have studied the quality of care in maternity wards and the risks of deprofessionalisation of midwives in clinics.

At the University of Nottingham (UK) from 2002 to 2005, in collaboration with Robert Dingwall, I analysed the construction of knowledge on mortality during heatwaves in England, France and the United States.

The last axis of my work concerns the sociology of public action and the regulation of biomedical innovations, through the example of foetal anomaly screening. With Isabelle Ville, Sophia Rosman and Bénédicte Rousseau, I looked at the question of information for pregnant women and their consent to screening. A comparison with England and the Netherlands showed how the characteristics of the health system, as well as the modalities of public action, influence the interactions between caregivers and patients. I also examined the role of health agencies in shaping prenatal screening policy.

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