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Wang Simeng

Sociologist, Research Fellow, CNRS


Academia | ResearchGate

idhal simeng-wang   orcid 0000-0001-9708-8851

About me

A Permanent Research Fellow at The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and faculty member at the CERMES3 (Research Centre, Medicine, Science, Health, Mental Health and Society), I hold a PhD in Sociology from the École Normale Supérieure in Paris (2014).

Since 2009, I have been working on Chinese immigration in France, at first about mental suffering and living conditions of Chinese migrants and their children, then through various analytic angles: family and intergenerational relationships, political participation, transnationalism. My research interests are in the migration studies, health and mental health studies, sociology of the Chinese world (contemporary China and Chinese overseas). Cf. published books and scientific articles :

My current work is built around two poles, the first at the intersection of Asian migration and health in a globalised world; the second on the experiences of racism and discrimination among Asian origin people in France. I have recently led the MigraChiCovid Project (funded by the French National Research Agency, 2020-2022) and the REACTAsie project (funded by the Defender of Rights in France, 2020-2022).

I am the founder and coordinator of the research network on East and South-East Asian Migrations in France (MAF, I am also the scientific curator of the "East and South-East Asian Immigrations to France since 1860" exhibition held at the French National Museum of the History of Immigration (MNHI) between October 10, 2023 and February 25, 2024.

As teacher, I host at the French School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (École des hautes études en sciences sociales, also known as EHESS) two seminars “Contemporary China and its diasporas: the contribution of social sciences” and “Migrations and health”. I was an elected member of the executive committee of the French Sociology Association between 2017 and 2021.

Responsability of funded Research Programs

  • Research Project "Methodologies for shared sciences" on Elderly Chinese in the Paris area, funded by CNRS, 2023
  • Research Project REACTAsie ("The discrimination and racism experienced by people of East and South-East Asian origin in France") funded by the Defender of Rights (France), 2020-2022.
  • Research Project MigraChiCovid (“Chinese migration in France facing Covid-19: the emergence of new forms of solidarity in times of crisis”) funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), 2020-2022.
  • Research Project « Social Mobilities and International Migrations », granted by IC Migrations, 2019-2023.
  • "Emergence(s)" Research Project “Chinese of France: identifications and identities in transition”, granted by the Paris City Hall, 2018-2021.
  • Translation Project (French to Chinese) of the book Mental health and mental suffering. An object for the social sciences. CNRS Editions, co-granted by TEPSIS, IRIS and CERMES3, 2017-2019.
  • Project “Social sciences and mental health: a Sino French research network building”, granted by MSHPN, 2016-2017.

Participations in Funded Research Programs

  • Program GLOBHEALTH: “From international to Global: Knowledge, Diseases, and the Post-war Government of Health”, granted by European Research Council, held by Centre de recherche médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société (CERMES3), Paris, 2015-2019.
  • Program ANR JCJC SINAFRHOSP: Chinese hospitals in Sub-Saharan Africa: a new form of health intervention?, granted by French National Research Agency, held by Centre Population et Développement (CEPED), Paris, 2018-2020.
  • Collective book project "Migration, a chance for our health system? Re-humanizing health care.", IC Migrations Funding, Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Social Issues (IRIS), Paris, 2019-2020
  • COST CHERN « China in Europe Research Network » (CA18215), Work Group V (“Migration and Labor”), 2020-

Main publications


French version:

Wang Simeng. 2017. Illusions et souffrances. Les migrants chinois à Paris. Paris, Étions rue d’Ulm (collection « Sciences sociales »), 220p.

English version:

Wang Simeng. 2021. Chinese Migrants in Paris. The Narratives of Illusion and Suffering. Leiden, Brill. 215p.

Selected Book Reviews:

Edited books

Wang Simeng (eds.) 2023. Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants. Leiden, Brill. 375p.
Wang Simeng (with É. Gandon). 2023. Immigrations est et sud-est asiatiques depuis 1860, Paris, co-edition Musée national de l'histoire de l'immigration / Réunion des Musées Nationaux - Grand Palais, 224 p.

Wang Simeng (with J. Bidet, H. Bréant, A. Grysole, A. Perdoncin, L. Terrazzoni), 2023. Se (dé)placer. Mobilités sociales et migrationsSe (dé)placer. Mobilités sociales et migrationsAix-en-Provence, Presses Universitaires de Provence.

Wang Simeng (being member of Collectif Entrelacs), 2022. Migrations. Une chance pour le système de santé ? (Ré)humaniser le soin.  Paris, Éditions Doin, Collection "La Personne en Médecine".

Wang Simeng (with Y. Liu), 2020. Chinese immigrants in Europe: image, identity and social participation, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter GmbH.

Wang Simeng (with I. Coutant). 2018. Mental Health and mental suffering: a research subject for social sciencesParis, CNRS Editions.

王思萌, 伊莎贝尔.顾丹 (主编), 蒙田(译) : 精神健康与心理苦痛. 社会科学的研究对象. 2021. 北京:社会科学文献出版社。ISBN 978-7-5201-8613-1.

Direction of Special Issues

  • Wang Simeng (eds.). 2023. "Chinese Migration to and within Europe: Between Continuity and Renewal", Journal of Chinese Overseas. Volume 19 Issue 2.
  • Wang Simeng (with P. Bataille and L. Dumont, eds.) 2022. "Which internationalization? Reflections from the case of the social sciences", Socio-logos (Online Journal of the French Sociological Association). N°17
  • Wang Simeng (with J.-L. Bonniol and E. Grossi, eds). 2021. "Race and biology”, Cahiers de l’Urmis. Appartenance et Altérité, N°20.
  • Wang Simeng (with A. Fresnoza-Flot, eds.) 2021. “Asia-Europe intimate links: family migration, binational couples and mixed-parentage children”, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. Volume 30 Issue 1.
  • Wang Simeng (with M. Guilloots, eds.) 2020. « Langues et Migrations » [“Languages and Migration”], Enfances & Psy. N°86.
  • Wang Simeng (with V. Petit, eds.) 2018. « Santé mentale en migrations internationales » [“Mental health and International Migrations”] Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales. Vol 34, n°2-3.
  • Wang Simeng (with E. Frenkiel, eds). 2017. « Participer dans le monde chinois : une jeunesse connectée » Revue Participations. n°17 [‘Participating in the Chinese world: a connected youth’ in Journal Participations. n° 17].
  • Wang Simeng (with H. Le Bail, eds). 2016. « Migrations chinoises et générations », Revue Hommes & Migrations. N° 1314 ['Chinese Migrations and Generations' in Journal Hommes & Migrations. N° 1314].

Peer-reviewed Articles

In English

Wang Simeng. 2023. "Chinese Migration to and within Europe: Continuity and Renewal in the Light of Demographic Factors and the Impact of Covid-19. An Introduction to the Special Issue". Journal of Chinese Overseas. Volume 19, Issue 2, p. 199-219.

Wang Simeng (with E. Santarromana). 2023. "'Thanks for Getting Me in Touch with Local Politicians!' A Sociological Study of the Association of Young Chinese in France as a Political Professionalization Springboard for Descendants of Chinese Migrants". Journal of Chinese Overseas. Volume 19, Issue 2, p. 325-350.

Wang Simeng (with J.-L. Bonniol and É. Edwards-Grossi), “Introduction to Race and Biology”, Cahiers de l’Urmis. Appartenance et Altérité [Online], 20 | June 2021, Online since 29 June 2021. URL: ; DOI:

Wang Simeng, « Ethno-racial disparities in COVID-19 morbidity and mortality », Cahiers de l’Urmis. Appartenance et Altérité [Online], 20 | June 2021, Online since 29 June 2021, URL : ; DOI :

Wang Simeng (with A. Fresnoza-Flot). 2021. Special Issue Introduction. “Asia-Europe intimate links: Family migrants, binational couples and mixed-parentage children”. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 30 (1): 3-17. doi:10.1177/0117196820981596

Wang Simeng, Xiabing Chen. 2021. Capitalizing on Opportunities during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Journal of Chinese Overseas, 17(2), 293-317. doi:

Wang Simeng, Xiabing Chen, Yong Li, Chloé Luu, Ran Yan & Francesco Madrisotti. 2021. ‘I'm more afraid of racism than of the virus!’: racism awareness and resistance among Chinese migrants and their descendants in France during the Covid-19 pandemic, European Societies, DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1836384

Wang Simeng (with F. Sirna). 2020, « European and non-European health workers in France during the COVID-19 pandemic: engagement in the disease control and in the French health system’s reorganization » in Lia Lombardi and al. (eds.) Special Issue "The challenges of COVID-19: global health and inequality", European Sociological Association RN16 Sociology of Health and Illness Newsletter, 11, p. 14-16.

Wang Simeng, 2020, « Life and Survival in Wuhan », Books and Ideas , 28 December 2020. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL :

Wang Simeng. 2020. "The new Chinese working class in the globalized world: a response to Ngai Pun", Dialectical Anthropology.

Wang Simeng (with G. Guiheux). 2018. "A case of Double Scientific Socialisation in the Social Sciences. The Experience of Chinese Researchers Trained in France", Chinese Perspectives. 4: 21-30.

Wang Simeng. 2017. "Transformation of family and matrimonial norms in an international migration context. The case of Chinese women and men spouses of French living in Paris region", Revue européenne des migrations internationales33 (2&3) : p. 273-300. DOI : https://doi-org/10.4000/remi.10337

In French

Wang Simeng, Boris Schwartz, Tamara Lui. 2022. « Liens sociaux au temps de la Covid-19 : les personnes âgées chinoises à Paris » [Social ties of older persons during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of Chinese immigrants in Paris], Gérontologie et Société, vol. 44 / n° 168 (2), pp.143-160.

Wang, Simeng, Madrisotti, F., Li, Y., Luu, C. et Yan, R. 2022. « Déni et (d)énonciation du racisme anti-asiatique au temps de la Pandémie de Covid-19 » [Denial, expression and denunciation of anti-Asian racism during the Covid-19 Pandemic: The case of the Chinese population in France], Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, (42), p. 129-148. doi: 10.14428/emulations.42.08.

Wang Simeng. 2022. « S’émanciper au nom d’un pluralisme médical : à propos de pratiques de santé périnatale chez des femmes d’origine chinoise à Paris » [Emancipation in the name of medical pluralism : perinatal health practices of women of Chinese origin in Paris]Anthropologie & Santé [En ligne], mis en ligne le 28 février 2022, URL :

Wang Simeng (with F. Madrisotti). 2021, « Au-delà de la stigmatisation et de la solidarité : Regards croisés sur la population d'origine chinoise en France au temps de la pandémie de Covid-19 », [Beyond stigma and solidarity: Crossed perspectives on the Chinese population in France at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic], Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales. 37-1&2.

Wang Simeng (with F. Madrisotti), 2021, "Le racisme anti-asiatique au temps de la pandémie de Covid-19 : vécus, énonciations et luttes", [Anti-Asian racism during the Covid-19 pandemic: experiences, statements and struggles], Politika [En ligne], 23 | Novembre 2021,  URL :

Wang Simeng (avec J.-L. Bonniol et É. Edwards-Grossi), 2021, « Introduction au dossier « Race et biologie » », Cahiers de l’Urmis [En ligne], 20 | juin 2021, mis en ligne le 29 juin 2021. URL : ; DOI :

Wang Simeng, 2021, « Les disparités ethno-raciales dans les cas de morbidité et de mortalité liées au Covid-19 », Cahiers de l’Urmis [En ligne], 20 | juin 2021, mis en ligne le 29 juin 2021, URL : ; DOI :

Wang Simeng. 2021. « Corps souffrants, corps revendiquant. Trois figures de femmes chinoises - migrantes ou descendantes - en France », [Suffering bodies, demanding bodies. Three groups of Chinese - migrant or descendant - women in France.]. Hommes & migrations, n° Hors-série printemps 2021, p.50-57.

Wang Simeng (with Y. Li), 2021. “Becoming an adult” in the context of migration. The case of Chinese students graduating in France. Agora débats/jeunesses, 2021/2 (N° 88), p. 129-144. URL :

Wang Simeng, 2020. « On the reconfiguration of social ties in times of covid-19 : concerning the experiences of children in China and those of Chinese origin in France.», Enfances & Psy, 2020/3 (N° 87), p. 30-38. DOI : 10.3917/ep.087.0030. URL :

Wang Simeng (avec M. Gilloots), 2020. « Introduction » for the Special Issue "Languages and Migrations", Enfances & Psy, 2020/2 (N° 86), p. 9-12. DOI : 10.3917/ep.086.0009. URL :

Wang Simeng. 2019. « Quand les ‘Chinois de France’ manifestent », [When the "Chinese of France" demonstrate], Plein droit, 121: p.37-41.

Wang Simeng. 2019. « Les nouvelles circulations de la médecine chinoise : après l’Afrique l’Europe », [The new circulations of Chinese medicine: after Africa, Europe], Movements. 98: p. 133-141.

Wang Simeng (avec V. Petit). 2018. Editorial « Santé mentale en migrations internationales », Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales. 34 (2-3), p. 7-20.

Wang Simeng (avec G. Guiheux). 2018. « Une double socialisation scientifique en sciences sociales. Le cas de chercheurs chinois formés en France », Perspectives chinoises, 2018/4. p. 21-30.

Wang Simeng. 2017. « La transformation des normes matrimoniales et familiales dans le contexte de migrations internationales. Le cas des Chinois ‘conjoints de Français’ résidant en région parisienne » Revue européenne des migrations internationales33 (2&3) : p. 273-300.

Wang Simeng. 2017. « ‪Une mondialisation par le bas. Les daigous à Paris, des agents commerciaux intermédiaires entre producteurs français et consommateurs chinois‪ » [Globalization from Below. Daigous in Paris, Intermediary Sales Agents between French Producers and Chinese Consumers], Cultures & Conflits, 108(4), 2017, 107-128.

Wang Simeng. 2017. « La resocialisation politique de migrants internationaux et leurs prises de parole politiques : Le cas de jeunes Chinois qualifiés à Paris » [The Political Resocialization of International Migrants and their Political Talk: The Case of Young Qualified Chinese in Paris], Journal Participations. N°17:155-176.

Wang Simeng. 2017 (with E. Frenkiel). 2017. (Introduction du dossier) « Les jeunes Chinois dans différents espaces nationaux : expressions et engagements politiques » [(Introduction of special issue) Young Chinese in different national spaces: political expressions and commitments], Journal Participations. N°17: 5-33.

Wang Simeng. 2016. « Aidez-nous à comprendre vos Chinois ! » Conditions de possibilités de la légitimation du sociologue en milieu psychiatrique [“Help us to understand your Chinese !” Conditions for the possible legitimation of sociologists in a psychiatric setting], Genèses N°105 : 141-156.

Wang Simeng. 2016. « Entre stratégie et moralité. Des migrants chinois en situation irrégulière face à la ‘clause de maladie’» [Between Strategy and Morality. Chinese Irregular Migrants Faced with the “Illness Clause”], Politix. N°114 : 205-227.

Wang Simeng. 2016. « Souffrances psychiques et mobilité sociale ascendante : le cas des adolescents français d’origine chinoise à Paris » [Mental suffering and social mobility : the case of Chinese origin teenagers in Paris]. Hommes & Migrations. N°1314: 11-18.

Wang Simeng (with B. Schwartz). 2016. « Des personnes âgées d’origine chinoise à Belleville : parcours migratoires, dynamiques familiales et participation à la vie du quartier » [Elderly Chinese in Belleville district of Paris: migration patterns, family dynamics and participation in neighborhood life]. Hommes & Migrations. N°1314: 103-112.

Wang Simeng. 2016. « Le parcours atypique d’une psychiatre française née en Chine : Entretien avec Chengnan Zhan » [The atypical path of a French psychiatrist born in China. Interview with Chengnan Zhan]. Hommes & Migrations. N°1314 : 21-25.

Wang Simeng. 2015. « Le travail social dans la prise en charge du handicap en Chine continentale (1990- 2015) ». [Social work in disability management in Mainland China (1990-2015)]. Revue française de la protection sociale. N°8: 89-105.

Wang Simeng. 2015. « Des ‘soucis matrimoniaux’ dans le contexte transnational : Le cas des migrant-e-s chinois-es qualifié-e-s à Paris » [‘Marital problems' in transnational context : The case of qualified Chinese migrants, women and men, in Paris]. Migrations Société. Vol. 27. N°157: p. 149-166.

Wang Simeng. 2014. « Enfant abandonné en Chine puis domestique en France ? Que suis-je pour eux ?!» « Obligations familiales à rebours » des enfants migrants d'origine chinoise à Paris. [‘Abandoned child in China then servant in France? What am I to them? !’ Phenomenon of “reverse parenting obligations among Chinese families in Paris.] Enfances, Familles, Générations. N° 20: p. 21-44.

Wang Simeng. 2013. « Handicapé ? C’est insulter ma descendance et aussi mes ancêtres ! » Négociations autour de l'inscription de l’enfant d’origine chinoise à la MDPH. [‘Disabled? It is insulting my offspring and also my ancestors!’ Negotiations about the registration of children of Chinese origin to the Disabled people departmental house in Paris]. Terrains & travaux. N° 23: p.77-92.

Wang Simeng. 2013. Analyses sociologiques des pratiques de l’interprétariat-médiation en pédopsychiatrie : l’exemple des familles d’origine chinoise à Paris. [Sociological analyses of translation and mediation practices in child psychiatry: the example of Chinese families in Paris] Enfances & Psy. N° 56: p. 136-146.

Wang Simeng. 2012. « Une vie qui est ailleurs » : Une sociologie des troubles mentaux à travers le parcours d’un adolescent d’origine chinoise à Paris. [‘Life is elsewhere’: contribution to a sociology of mental health through the analysis of a second-generation Chinese teenager’s trajectory in Paris] Lien social et politiques. N° 67: p. 233-248.

In Chinese

Wang Simeng, Chen Xiabing and Lui Tanyu (2020), "How to turn a crisis into an opportunity? An empirical study of entrepreneurial model transition catalyzed by the Covid-19 pandemic among Chinese entrepreneurs in France." («如何转危为机: 法国华商受新冠疫情催化实现商业模式转型的一项实证研究»), The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies (华人研究国际学报). n°12. p. 1-23. DOI:10.1142/S1793724820000164

Wang Simeng. 2014. “抑郁症患者互助行为研究”[Solidarity among patients diagnosed with ‘depression’: ethnographic study in a psychiatric hospital in Beijing], 思想战线 Thinking. N° 6: p. 62-65.

Selected Book chapters

Simeng Wang, Francesco Madrisotti. Introduction “Between Two Worlds: the Chinese Diaspora in France during Covid-19”. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, 2023, 978-90-04-67860-6. p. 1-37.

Francesco Madrisotti, Simeng Wang. Multilingual Media Consumption by the Chinese People in France during the Covid-19 Pandemic. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, 2023, 9789004678606. p. 41-71.

Simeng Wang, Francesco Madrisotti. Out of Step: Preventive Measures among People of Chinese Origin in France during the Covid-19 Pandemic. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, 2023, 9789004678606. p. 72-101.

Francesco Madrisotti, Simeng Wang. Stress and Anxiety among the Chinese Population in France during the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Study Examining Societal and Individual Factors. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.102-131, 2023,

Simeng Wang, Francesco Madrisotti, Xiabing Chen. Between Safety and Health: How the Pandemic Reshaped Food Behaviors among Chinese People in France. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.132-150, 2023, 9789004678606.

Yong Li, Simeng Wang. A Community Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Collective Actions by Chinese Residents of a Multiethnic Neighborhood in the Northern Suburbs of Paris. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.151-174, 2023, 9789004678606.

Simeng Wang. Social Ties of Elderly Migrants during Covid-19: the Chinese in Paris. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.177-195, 2023, 9789004678606.

Yong Li, Ran Yan, Simeng Wang. Disruption in Study Abroad during the Pandemic: Chinese Students in France. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.196-222, 2023, 9789004678606.

Francesco Madrisotti, Ran Yan, Simeng Wang. Survival during the Pandemic and Coping with Risk: an Ethnography of Vulnerable Chinese Migrants Receiving Food Assistance. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.223-255, 2023, 9789004678606.

Simeng Wang, Xiabing Chen. Capitalizing on Opportunities during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Business Transitions among Chinese Entrepreneurs in France. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.256-281, 2023, 9789004678606.

Simeng Wang, Francesco Madrisotti. Anti-Asian Racism during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Experiences, Narratives, and Reactions. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.285-323, 2023, 9789004678606.

Simeng Wang. Caring for Compatriots during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Professional Practices by Health-Care Workers of Chinese Origin in France. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.324-346, 2023, 9789004678606.

Simeng Wang, Yong Li. Beyond National and Ethnic Boundaries: Transnational Solidarity during the Covid-19 Pandemic from the Case of the Chinese Diaspora in France. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.347-369, 2023, 9789004678606.

Simeng Wang. Conclusion. in S. Wang (eds.) Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants, BRILL, pp.370-372, 2023, 9789004678606.

Emilie Gandon, Simeng Wang. Migrations de l'Asie de l'Est et du Sud-Est en France, de 1860 à nos jours. in E. Gandon et S. Wang (éds.) Immigrations est et sud-est asiatiques depuis 1860, 2023, 978-2-7118-7988-5. p. 11-17

Simeng Wang. Les populations originaires de l'Asie de l'Est et du Sud-Est en France, de 1860 à nos jours : représentations, stéréotypes, traitements différenciés et luttes. in E. Gandon et S. Wang (éds.) Immigrations est et sud-est asiatiques depuis 1860, 2023, 978-2-7118-7988-5. p. 169-181.

Wang Simeng. 2022 (with Christoph Gradmann, Olivia Fiorilli, Jean-Paul Gaudilliere, Caroline Meier zu Biesen, Lucile Ruault). Provincializing the WHO. in J.-P. Gaudilliere et al. (Éds.) Global Health for All: Knowledge, Politics, Practices, Rutgers University Press, p. 170-194.
Wang Simeng. 2022. WeChat, ethnic grouping and class belonging : The formation of citizen identity among Chinese living in Paris. In W. Sun & H. Yu (Éds.), WeChat and the Chinese Diaspora : Digital Transnationalism in the Era of China’s Rise (p. 212‑233). Routledge. DOI :
Wang Simeng. 2022. "Introduction of Chapter 1 "Pluralité des savoirs, des pratiques et des recours thérapeutiques" in Migrations. Une chance pour le système de santé ? (Ré)humaniser le soin.  Paris, Éditions Doin, p. 17-26.
Wang Simeng. 2022. "L'émergence d'un nouveau marché autour de la santé périnatale à destination des femmes d'origine chinoise à Paris. Réseaux de yuesao (matrones) développés aux frontières entre médecine chinoise et médecine clinique occidentale." in Migrations. Une chance pour le système de santé ? (Ré)humaniser le soin.  Paris, Éditions Doin, p. 39-46.
Wang Simeng. 2020. “Highly skilled Chinese immigrants in France. Career choices, marriage behavior and political participation” in Liu Y. et Wang S. (eds.), Chinese immigrants in Europe: image, identity and social participation, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter GmbH. p. 75-100.
Wang Simeng (with Y. Liu). 2020. "Introduction" in Liu Y. et Wang S. (eds.), Chinese immigrants in Europe: image, identity and social participation, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, p.1-12. 
Wang Simeng. 2020. “高技术移民:华人移民法国的第四次浪潮” Les migrants qualifiés : la 4e vague d’immigration chinoise en France. in Li Q. (dir.) 国际移民与海外华人研究 (2017-2018) Migrations internationales et études des Chinois d’outre-mer (2017-2018). Beijing, 中国社会科学出版社,China Social Sciences Press, p.110-131.  
Wang Simeng. 2019. “Circumventing regulatory rules and professional legitimizing. The circulation of Chinese Medicine between China and France” in L. Pordié et C. Coderey (eds.) Circulation and Governance of Asian Medicine. Routledge. p. 139-156. 
Wang Simeng. 2019. « The mobility of French people of Chinese origin in China: a qualitative survey (2010-2016) » in G. Fabbiano et al. (dir.) Migration from the North to the South, [« Les mobilités de Français d’origine chinoise en Chine : une enquête qualitative (2010-2016) » in G. Fabbiano et al. (dir.) Les migrations des Nords vers les Suds.] Paris, Karthala. p. 95-119.

Wang Simeng. 2018. « Étudier les souffrances des migrants : à partir du cas des Chinois en France » [Studying the suffering of migrants: from the case of the Chinese in France] in I. Coutant et S. Wang (dir.). Mental Health and mental suffering: a research subject for social sciences. CNRS Éditions, p. 325-344.

Research report

Simeng Wang, Yong Li, Johann Cailhol, Miyako Hayakawa, Youngbin Kim and Sophie Haas, 2023. The Experience of Racism and Discrimination of People from East and Southeast Asia in France (REACTAsie) [L’expérience du racisme et des discriminations des personnes originaires d’Asie de l’Est et du Sud-Est en France (REACTAsie)], 28p. Summary report available on the website of the Human Rights Defender,

Organization of Scientific Events (selection)

  • 4th meeting of CERPE (China-Europe Research Platform on Chinese Migration to and beyond Europe) "Chinese migrations in Europe: between continuity and renewal" in Paris, November 2021, with the support of the City of Paris, the CNRS and the Institut Convergences Migrations.
  • A dozen of panels organized at international symposia and national congresses: Congress of ISSCO (2017, 2019, 2022), IPSA's 24th World Congress of Political Science (2016), Congress of International Convention of Asia Scholars (2019), French Network for Asian Studies International Conference (2017), Congress of the AFSP (2019), Congress of the AFS (2017, 2019).
  • Over Twenty symposia and workshops organized: INALCO (2012), EHESS (2014, 2015, 2019), Poitiers University (2016), Paris Institute of Innovation and Research Society (2017), École Normale Supérieure (2017), University Paris 5 (2017), IEP Paris (2018), Institute Convergences Migrations (2019), The Paris Institute for Advanced Study (2019).

Editorial Responsibilities (selection)

  • Member of the Editorial Board of the French Journal of Social Affairs (Revue française des affaires sociales), 2022- 
  • Member of the International Scientific Committee of the journal Marronnages. Les questions raciales au crible des sciences sociales, 2021-
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Identity & Otherness (in French: Appartenance et Altérité), 2020 -
  • Member of the International Scientific Committee of Chinese Overseas Reviews 海外华人研究, 2020-
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Enfances & PSY, 2019-2022
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Socio-logos (Journal of the French Association of Sociology), 2017-2021

Scientific Responsibilities (selection)

  • Member of the Orientation Council of the Etablissement public du Palais de la Porte Dorée, 2021-
  • Scientific Curator of the exhibition "Immigrations est et sud-est asiatiques depuis 1860" at the National Museum of the History of Immigration (MNHI), 10 October 2023 - 25 February 2024
  • Member of the Pedagogical Council of the Doctoral Program "Sciences in Society" at EHESS, 2020-
  • Member of the Pedagogical Council of the "Health, Medicine and Social Issues" (SMSQ) Master Course at EHESS, 2020-
  • Member of the Pedagogical Council of the Master "Sociology" at EHESS, 2022-

For other Associative, Teaching and Rearch Supervision Responsibilities, see the French version of my Website.

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Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
UMR CNRS 8211 - Unité Inserm 988 - EHESS - Université Paris Cité
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Université Paris Cité

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