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Thesis title: What endometriosis does to families

Under the supervision of Florence Maillochon (CMH) and Lucile Ruault (Cermes3)

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to emerging social science research on endometriosis, based on a qualitative study conducted at the intersection of the family and medical scenes. It begins by analysing the role of bodily socialisation transmitted within families in making pain invisible and learning to remain silent about endometriosis. This thesis also takes in interest in how endometriosis constitutes an ordeal that leads to a redistribution of positions in the family and to a rereading of family history. Finally, it analyses how and for whom the bodily and health experiences of endometriosis can lead to a challenge to family norms, biological filiation and/or the heterosexual couple, and thus contribute to political rereadings of the family. The aim of this research is to shift the focus to the families of endometriosis sufferers: this thesis analyses the bodily socialisation that is transmitted there and examines how endometriosis reveals, disrupts and transforms family relationships, as well as the family as an institution.

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Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
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