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Situated analysis of disabilities associated with severe and resistant obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) for the creation of innovative compensation arrangements for mental disabilities (ADAOCD)

IRESP CNSA Contract (2014-2016) | Cermes3
Coordinator: Xavier Briffault, Cermes3

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a severe mental disorder, a disability that deteriorates the quality of life of patients and their close relations and has important medical-economic consequences.The determinants of this disability and its description are not well known.A situation analysis is needed to propose targeted, specific, and personalized compensation possibilities, which could in particular benefit from new technologies.


  1. apprehend the "forms of life" of persons afflicted with OCD "in a mental disability situation" and of their close relations, with a focus on the experience of the disease;
  2. specify the situational determinants of mental disability among OCD-affected persons;a pilot study geared to application will be conducted in parallel;
  3. design and apply innovative compensation arrangements, technological and non-technological, to the mental disability of OCD-affected persons, in their home, social, and/or professional environment, involving the persons and their close relations as "designer users";
  4. evaluate these innovative arrangements.


  • in-depth participating observations in three natural environments in order to have access to family, social, and professional relationship dynamics;
  • semi-structured interviews and clarification interviews;
  • participatory design of innovative compensation arrangements for the mental disability;
  • in situ evaluations of the effectiveness of these innovative arrangements.

Cermes3 participant: Margot Morgiève

Outside member: Luc Mallet (UPMC - Inserm UMR_S 975 - CNRS UMR 7225, ICM - Brain & Spine Institute)

Copyright © 2024 Cermes3

Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
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