HIV and hepatitis seroprevalence survey and understanding risk behavior among drug users: Innovative methods and populations difficult to reach (Coquelicot survey)
ANRS Contract (2012-2015) | Cermes3
Coordinator: Marie Jauffret-Roustide, Cermes3
Drug users (DUs) constitute a population that is particularly at risk with regard to HIV and the different types of hepatitis.In France, the prevalence data has long been based on declarative data covering non-random samplings.The ANRS-Coquelicot survey constitutes the only epidemiological investigation among DUs based on a random sampling of DUs and on collecting biological data, which also includes a social-anthropological part.Implementing this methodology in 2004 and then in 2011 has made it possible to improve estimates of HIV and hepatitis seroprevalence among DUs in France and to get a better grasp of the social context of exposure to risk among this population.This investigation implements methodological innovations such as the use of a sampling design of the Time Location Sampling type, supplemented by the Generalized Weight Share Method.Between 2014 and 2015, the investigation will be extended to DU populations whose profiles and practices are poorly known, such as Russian-speaking DUs, imprisoned DUs and “hidden” DUs (because they do not go to care or cure centers).To reach so-called “hidden” DU populations, Respondent-Driven Sampling methodology will be implemented.
Institutional partners: Francis Barin (Tours HIV CNR - Inserm U966), Stephan Chevalliez (Hepatitis CNR, Inserm U955), Josiane Pillonel, Lucie Léon, and Yann Le Strat (InVS)
Other Cermes3 participants: Xavier Pascal, Carole Chauvin, Mireille Lebreton, Thérèse Benoit