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Mapping genetic screening between public health and personalized medicine

Colloque organisé par Luc Berlivet (Cermes3), Catherine Bourgain (Cermes3), Vincenzo Pavone (Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos), Mauro Turrini (Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos) et Ayo Wahlberg (Université de Copenhague)

23 et 24 novembre 2023


2023 mapping genetic screening between public health and personalized medicine


The ambivalence of ‘genetic screening’ deserves as the point of departure of this workshop. On the one hand, the two concepts included i this syntagm share a common affinity with risk assessment. On the other hand, there is an underlying opposition between them, as screening is a public health tool with a profound social vocation, while genetics in recent decades has been the main driver of the idea itself of personalized medicine. This tension is particularly evident when it comes to genetic screening governance and innovation models.

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