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Barbier Laura

PhD in Sociology




Thesis defended on 25 November 2019: Epidemiological controversies on environmental pathologies around industrial sites: the nuclear case in the UK and France

Under the supervision of Soraya Boudia and Jean-Paul Gaudillière


After receiving a master’s degree in Social Sciences (with a specialty in the History of Sciences, Technologies and Societies), Laura Barbier is currently a PhD student at the Cermes3 lab. Her research is about epidemiological controversies around industrial sites with a specific focus on two nuclear waste reprocessing plants in the UK and France. More precisely, she is interested in the production of scientific knowledge and in its mobilization regarding the production of public evidence and the management of these controversies. Her research centers on the question of the accumulation of knowledge and of hierarchies which are formalized between different types of knowledge as well as their role as instruments to manage protest.

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Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
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