Fainzang Sylvie
Anthropologist, research director, Inserm
Contact: sylvie.fainzang(at)orange.fr
Following initial research on the management of illness in a West African society, my past research projects have dealt with the interpretation of illness and models of accusation in France; the relationship to sexuality and reproduction in polygamous African families in an immigrant environment; representations of alcoholism and support mechanisms in a group of former alcoholics (Vie libre); social uses of drugs and ways of dealing with medical prescription in groups from different religious cultural backgrounds; patient information; lying in the doctor-patient relationship; and patient independence in the context of self-medication. (There is a detailed presentation of my research career on the site Histrecmed; publication list on http://sylvie.fainzang.pagesperso-orange.fr/index.html).
My present research is on actors’ strategies for mastering risks related to taking medicines, and on the social issues of the process of “self-medicalisation”.
Concomitantly, I am editor-in-chief of the journal Anthropologie & Santé (https://journals.openedition.org/anthropologiesante/709) and the scientific coordinator of the network Medical Anthropology at Home (http://www.maah.cnrs.fr).