Beaudevin Claire
Anthropologist, researcher, CNRS
Faculty Member @Cermes3 (permanent CNRS researcher)
Corresponding researcher of the CEFREPA (CNRS USR 3141), Kuwait
Founding member of Anthropologie & Santé (open access medical anthropology e-journal, in French)
claire-beaudevin 0000-0002-4382-9260
I am an anthropologist working specifically in medical anthropology. My work focuses on medical genetics and genomics as they relate to global health and the health care system in Oman, to cancer in France and to primary health care at the World Health Organization (WHO).
Wherever they are, patients, families, health (and public health) professionals and researchers create and/or travel together in the highly technical world of medical genetics and genomics. My research approach combines anthropology of health, anthropology of science, and collaboration with historians and sociologists to understand their ways of doing so.
Research foci
1/ in the Arabian Peninsula (Oman, United Arab Emirates), my work focuses on the interactions between public health, clinical genetics and human genetic research;
2/ in France, Catherine Bourgain, Ashveen Peerbaye, Marie Mathieu, Lucile Ruault and I are studying how the massive introduction of genomic technologies and knowledge is changing the ways in which professionals and patients collectively make sense of cancer. In this context, we co-organize a research seminar series at EHESS Paris: "Transformations of cancer in the era of globalized health capitalism and genomics".
3/ on the subject of global health, in collaboration with Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Andrew McDowell and Claudia Lang: we just published a collectively written book: Global Health for All: Knowledge, Politics, and Practices (Rutgers University Press, 2022). This book concludes the collective work of the members of the research group “From International to Global: Knowledge, Diseases, and the Postwar Government of Health” (Globhealth, 2014-2019, dir. Jean-Paul Gaudillière; funding: European Research Council).
NB - In this ERC Globhealth project, I coordinated the segment on medical genetics, where several colleagues were working: Mandy Geise (PhD student, 2014-2020) in Mexico, Sameea Ahmed Hassim (postdoctoral fellow) in Cuba and Lucile Ruault (postdoctoral fellow at that time) on the recent history of genetics at WHO.
4/ on the history of genetics at WHO, in collaboration with Lucile Ruault and Jean-Paul Gaudillière (manuscript in progress).
Current collective research projects:
Making sense of cancer in the genomic era (2019-2022, dir. Catherine Bourgain, funding: Institut National du Cancer)
Student supervision
-Thesis: (with Jean-Paul Gaudillière) Mandy Geise (EHESS Paris), "Global medicine and local public health: International organizations and the development of medical genetics in Mexico" (thesis defended in July 2020)
-MA: (with Catherine Bourgain) Albertine Lynch (ENS Lyon), "Molecular characterization of tumors in Lyon hospitals: innovation, research and clinic" (thesis defended in September 2020)
-MA (with Luc Berlivet) Anna Gratesac (EHESS Paris)
-Thesis follow-up committee: Flora Vachon (PhD thesis in sociology of sciences, Université Paris Cité, supervisors: Catherine Bourgain et Claude-Olivier Doron), « Producing knowledge about the human species: paleoanthropology and paleogenetics »
Collective book
- 2022, J.-P. Gaudillière, A. McDowell, C. Lang & C. Beaudevin (eds), Global Health for All. Knowledge, Politics, and Practices (Rutgers University Press)
Co-edited book
- 2020. Gaudillière J.-P., Beaudevin C., Gradmann C., Lovell A. M. and Pordié L. (eds), Global health and the new world order: historical and anthropological approaches of a transition, Manchester University Press.
- 2021. Beaudevin C., Berlivet L., Boudia S., Bourgain C., Cassier M., Gaudillière JP, Löwy I, “‘Test, Test, Test!’ Scarcity, Tinkering, and Testing Policy in Early Covid-19 Epidemic in France” Medicine Anthropology Theory, 8(2),
- 2020. Gaudillière J.-P. and Beaudevin C., “Covid-19 and global health, seen from France: the end of a ‘great divide’?”, Somatosphere,
- 2020. Bourgain, C. and C. Beaudevin, “Au-delà de la technologie : travailler à la fiabilité de la prédiction génétique”, Médecine et Philosophie, 2, “Génétique et liberté”,
- 2019. Schramm K. and C. Beaudevin, « Sorting, typing, classifying: the elephants in our ethnographic rooms », introduction à une section spéciale de Medicine AnthropologyTheory, .
- 2019. Beaudevin, C., A. Peerbaye, C. Bourgain, “It has to become true genetics. Tumor genetics and the division of diagnostic labor in the clinic, Sociology of Health & Illness , 41(4): 643-657, doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.12844
- 2016. Beaudevin, C., Pordié L., "Introduction: Diversion and Globalization in Biomedical Technologies." Medical Anthropology 35(1). Doi: 10.1080/01459740.2015.1090436
- 2013. Old diseases & contemporary crisis. Inherited blood disorders in Oman. Anthropology & Medicine, 20(2), pp. 175-189.
- 2011. Ducournau P. and Beaudevin C., Génétique en ligne : déterritorialisation des régulations de sané publique et formes de développement commercial. Anthropologie & Santé, n°3.
[translated to English in 2011. « Of deterritorialization, healthism and biosocialities. » Journal of Science Communication, 10(3).]
- 2008. “Inaugurer” l’anthropologie de la santé au Sultanat d’Oman. L’anthropologue face à la lecture locale de l’éthique de la recherche : une rencontre inattendue. Ethnographiques n°17 []
- 2005. Des visites de murabiyya au marché du mercredi. Les souks féminins au sultanat d’Oman : séparatisme commercial ou renforcement d’une culture de genre ? Chroniques Yéménites, n°12, pp. 140-173 []
Book sections
- 2022. 4 co-written chapters in: Gaudillière J.-P., McDowell A., Lang C. and Beaudevin C. (eds), Global Health for All. Knowledge, Politics, and Practices in Global Health, NewJersey/New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
- Gaudillière J.P. , McDowell A., Beaudevin C., Lang C., "Introduction: Health Universalism and the Health of Others", pp. 5-27
- Lovell A.M., Gaudillière J.P., Lang C., Beaudevin C.. "Metrics for Development", pp. 56-76.
- Gaudillière J.P. , McDowell A., Lang C., Beaudevin C.. "Triage beyond the clinic", pp. 78-101.
- Beaudevin C., Chabrol F., Lang C. "Persistent Hospitals", pp. 147-168.
- 2020. Beaudevin C., Gaudillière J.-P., Gradmann C., Lovell Anne M. and Pordié L., “Global health and the new world order: introduction” in Gaudillière J.-P., Beaudevin C., Gradmann C., Lovell Anne M. et Pordié L. (eds), Global health and the new world order. Historical and anthropological approaches to a changing regime of governance. Manchester University Press.
- 2015. Cousin marriages and inherited blood disorders in the Sultanate of Oman. in Alison Shaw et Aviad Raz (éds.), Cousin marriage: between tradition, genetic risk and cultural change. London and New York, Berghahn.
- 2013. Of red cells, translocality and origins: inherited blood disorders in Oman. In Steffen Wippel (Ed.), Regionalizing Oman, Dordrecht, Springer.
- 2013. "Everything is kullû zayn !" L'échographie obstétricale dans le système de santé omanais, in Moulin, A. M. (dir.), Islam et revolutions médicales, Paris, Karthala.
- 2010. Une médecine "coupée du passé" : l'exemple de l'échographie obstétricale au Sultanat d'Oman, in Moulin A. M. & Ulman Y. (dir), Drafting modernity. Medicine in the Ottoman Empire and Near East from the 19th century onwards, Istanbul, Isis Press.
Coordination of special issues
- 2019, Schramm K. and C. Beaudevin, « Sorting, typing, classifying: the elephants in our ethnographic rooms », special section in Medicine AnthropologyTheory
- 2016. Beaudevin C. and L. Pordié. "Special issue: Diversion of Biomedical Technologies in a Globalized World." Medical Anthropology 35 (1).
Research blogs
- 2017. “Arabian Medical Genetics: Of Rare Disorders and Decreasing Oil Rent”, Allegra Lab ( and Medizinethnologie (