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Lynda Lotte-Hoareau

Doctor in psychopathology and psychoanalysis, research engineer, CNRS




Lynda Lotte-Hoareau has dual training in moral philosophy and psychopathology. She has a doctorate in psychology, and her research focuses on the perinatal clinic and disability, with a particular emphasis on care and support (access to care) for people with multiple vulnerabilities in France and the overseas territories (Indian Ocean zone).

As part of a multi-disciplinary collaboration, she has been involved in a number of research projects on the prevention of early mother-baby relationship disorders in the perinatal period, the mental disability of protected adults, and support for people with neuromuscular diseases to achieve autonomy in their health, with institutional partners including UNAF, UNAFAM, MSH, AFM-Téléthon and ARS océan indien. Lynda Lotte-Hoareau was also a consultant for several years to the perinatal psychopathology research unit at the EPS Erasme (Antony), where her research (PHRC) focused on the prevention of maternal abuse.

Since 2021, she has been directing the research project 'Mobilités sanitaires et accompagnement des évasané de Mayotte vers La Réunion' (AccMinEV) with Dolorès Pourette (Ceped-IRD), a project that has received funding from several sources (ARS Mayotte, ILPEM, MSH Paris Nord, GRIP, etc.).

She teaches psychology at Université Paris Cité as part of the DU Psychopathologie: Petite enfance, enfance, adolescence.

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Centre de recherche, médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société
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